Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year's Resolution

My New Year’s resolution this year is to be more care free. To not worry so much, basically to not give a damn about the little things, the things I cannot change and about the things that do not directly affect me. Also to forget the past.

I worry too much about the future, I dwell on the past, about the “what would have happened if I would have did this” or I shouldn't have done that or I regret that. I don’t live and focus on the present like I should. I cannot change the things in the past. I know this and I still continue to relive those moments. I've made mistakes, lots of them, but they have made me who I am today and I should just accept that. I should be grateful for all of those small moments that have taught me some of life’s greatest lessons. I don’t want to grow old and be so worried about every little thing. I need to sit back, relax and enjoy life. Enjoy those around me, the ones I love, forget the ones who don’t treat me right and move on. Life is too short to worry so darn much. I would be so much more stress free and less tense if I let go a little, just lived in the present, in the moment at that exact time. I don’t want to live in the past anymore. I don’t want to worry about the future so much (hard to do with small children), but I would like to take each day at a time. You never know what is going to happen each day, hour, minute or second, why worry? Take each day God has given me and live it to the fullest, like there’s no tomorrow. I feel like the majority of my life is consumed with how we are going to make it to the next day, the next week, the next paycheck. Life happens. There are so many less fortunate people in the world and I should be grateful for what we have. Others have to worry about so much more, I should be grateful. I want to be happier for my children. I want to be stress free for them and my husband. That is why I am letting go and letting God. If I trust in Him and let Him handle our future, trust in Him to help me let go of the past and to just focus on the present, I will be a much happier person, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, etc.

I am ready for this New Year and what joy and happiness it will bring our family. I am ready to be happier and more care free! I am ready to live in the present and just enjoy life!

Happy New Year, everyone!

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