Friday, August 30, 2013

Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Working tonight at the zoo, bartending for Zoo Brew. I had on khaki linen pants and a black tank top. I felt gorgeous and fierce! It was so unbelievably hot and humid outside, it was awful. I could feel the sweat rolling down my back (gross I know). The evening got started and guests were piling in. We had a scatter of customers, but most people came to enjoy the beer not the wine I was selling. I had a guy walk up to me and started a conversation, then it came up that I was pregnant. He asked when I was due and I told him March 3rd, he did the calculation then looked up and said, "Wow, you're pretty big for 3 months?!" I just stared at him, I wanted to punch his lights out, kick him in the nuts. Instead I just smiled and said,"THIS is my third child, so yea I am a little bigger." I just couldn't believe it. He later came back to apologize and make up for his bad choice of words (which made it somewhat better). I then had a couple come up and we struck up some more conversation. It was mentioned again that I was pregnant, by the girl who was with me. And they couldn't believe it. They went on and on about how great I looked. (Yes this is my boasting-it happens and it seriously made my night) It was then brought up that this was my third child, the girl looked at me and said, "no offense because I don't know you, but I hate you" LOL I went on to say, "it's ok, I work hard for this body, I take pride in it and I am damn proud of it!" The guy was a runner and had run Boston and Chicago. We ended up talking about running; I already have several goals for after Baby and was sharing with him. It's amazing how runners just instantly connect. There is a bond there only runners know. Anywho, I just really wish people thought before they let crud out of their mouth, let rude comments hurt someone. It doesn't take much to give compliments and you have no idea how far those compliments will go. One of my favorite sayings, "Be kind, for everyone meet is fighting a hard battle." Just think what a simple smile can do, you may be the only hope, happiness that person sees all day long. That's all for tonight. I just wanted to share with everyone to remember to be kind, use your words carefully and think before you speak. It's late and I need sleep. Good night!

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